Sometimes joy can feel a long way off. Rather than searching for something out of your grasp you can begin with noticing what you already have using that to start you on a path to happiness from right here, right now!
Look at who you are, today.
I mean really see who you are. Sometimes we focus so much on what we aren’t that we forget to capitalize on
who we are right now. Being the best of ourselves now will make us feel better. When we feel good, life is more enjoyable and we are more likely to create opportunities for ourselves. The number of times I have looked at a photo from a holiday 8 or 10 years ago and noticed that I looked frankly younger and slimmer - the irony is at the time I felt neither of those! I was too busy looking at what was wrong with me.

Look at what you have
From the inside it can often feel that we don’t have the things we should have or aren’t where we want to be. Stand outside yourself for a moment and notice, from the outside, all you have in your life that is good (gratitude). Really take note of everything you have that is an asset - time, family, friends, a computer, a phone, maybe a job. Take nothing for granted, even if you aren’t appreciating them right now.
Gain perspective
Seeing things from a different angle can transform the way we look at the problems and opportunities in our lives. It gets ourselves out of ourselves. There are so many different routes to happiness that opening our eyes to them can bring huge rewards. Good ways to gain perspective include doing something you wouldn’t normally do, helping others by either using your skills or volunteering or having a few sessions with a coach to look at where you want to be going. The chances are that we already have the things we need in life to start our journey to get us where we want to be. We just don’t always see them. Time to open your eyes and your mind - and start on your path to happiness.