As CBD gains in popularity many people are turning to it for a variety of reasons. Today, we are looking at anxiety

and CBD. in recent years, even pre pandemic times people dealing with stress and anxiety have been on the rise. According to numerous studies published by the NIH (National Institute of Health) up to 33% of the country suffers an anxiety disorder at some point in their lifetime. There is substantial underrecognized and unreported cases in the US. In short, we are a country under stress. When the promise of a product that can help with anxiety, without long lists of side effects comes along people become interested. It makes perfect sense that CBD has become so popular these days. JPotter Health has seen first hand the great effects CBD has had for many people. But like you we care about the science behind what we see. So we were excited to come across a recent publication in the Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, titled Use of cannabidiol in anxiety and anxiety-related disorders. This study’s purpose is to “evaluate the current evidence on the safety and efficacy of CBD in anxiety” (Abstract). Their finding are matching our own experiences with CBD products.
“CBD, consistently demonstrated improved clinical
outcome in anxiety disorders, with a minimal
adverse effect profile. However, optimal dose, route
of administration, and dosing strategy (acute vs
chronic use) of CBD in the management of anxiety
disorders remain undetermined” (254).
It is articles like these that help highlight the need for coaching. At JPotter Health we take CBD seriously, we would never recommend a product that has not been fully vetted and deemed safe. Studies of CBD consistently show the need for informed, educated help. If you would like to know more about CBD and anxiety from a CBD expert, then contact JPotter Health for a consult with our coach. CBD and other cannabinoids, terpenes, and oils are just one area we use to help with anxiety. We use a number of different modalities to combat anxiety and get you headed toward the life you desire.
You may read the journal article by clicking here