Why choosing the right CBD for your pets is important
With the growing popularity of CBD, it is no surprise that some people look to it as a way of treating some issues their
pet may have. CBD has a multitude of natural health and wellness properties that can help your pet with some of their ailments. It is important when looking at CBD options that you get the right one. Let’s look at what you need to be looking for and what your options are.

Why people choose CBD for their pets
There are many reasons why someone might choose to give CBD to their pets. One of the most common reasons people turn to CBD for their pet is for pain relief. CBD is also said to help animals with inflammation and decrease the prevalence of epileptic seizures too. A big reason many humans use CBD is to alleviate anxiety. It gives you a relaxed feeling without giving the mental high of marijuana, which is a compound of CBD and THC. The anxiety reducing effects stay the same with animals. or example, some dogs have anxiety from loud noises. When CBD is given to dogs with this ailment, it can reduce their anxiety greatly. On top of all this, CBD is said to help with nausea, bowel disorders, and stimulate the appetite of animals who won’t eat.
How safe is CBD for pets?
CBD is still a fairly new industry, so there is still some concern from some veterinary professionals on how safe CBD truly is. The veterinary community is very divided over this issue. Some vets will advocate for CBD as the new wave of natural wellness for pets while others feel that not enough testing has been done for there to truly be a verdict on how effective or safe CBD is for pets. So, you may be asking “What are the risks of giving CBD to my pet?”.
- Drug Interaction- While it is not guaranteed, CBD can have unintended interactions with other medications. It can actually increase the effectiveness of these medications, so it is important to start at a low dose so as to not run into any issues.
- THC contamination- THC is not safe for pets to consume. It is important to be extremely picky in what CBD you are buying because, due to the CBD industry being unregulated, some companies may not be truthful in the THC content of their product.
- Side effects- Like with any medication, there is the small chance of side effects. It is important to monitor your pet when treating them with CBD to ensure they are getting positive effects and not negative ones.
What to look for when you’re buying CBD

CBD can provide a much better quality of life for animals dealing with certain ailments. It is important to do enough research that you fully understand the product that you are buying for your pet. While you can acquire and give your pet CBD on your own, it is often recommended that you speak with your vet. They will have the best idea on whether or not your pet may benefit from it and what medicine your pet takes that may have interactions with CBD. Sometimes CBD may not be the right fit for your pet, and that’s ok, but it is worth considering for your furry friend!